Realeyes IDS Messages

Real eyes

Messages begin with the name of the function in which they are issued to make finding them in the source code easier. This also helps in locating them in the message files. Select the message prefix and then use the browser 'Find' function to locate the exact message.

Analysis Engine Messages

These messages may be issued by the Realeyes Analysis Engine. Most would be issued during startup of the application.

The functions documented in this page are:

Supporting Library Messages

These messages are typically catastrophic errors in subsystems, such as memory management, network management, and XML parsing.

The functions documented in this page are:

Plugin Library Messages

These messages are issued by the Plugin Library about the status of data streams and their analysis.

The functions documented in this page are:

Plugin Messages

These messages are issued by individual plugins and relate to specific errors in handling configurations or TCP/IP data.

The functions documented in this page are:

Spooler Messages

These messages are issued by spooler and network management if there are errors in transmission of data between the IDS and the DBD.

The functions documented in this page are: Logo