control_rotate_logs: Error backing up log file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- An error occurred while rotating the specified log file.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
shutdown: Shutdown processing in progress - Description (NOTE):
- Shutdown is called by interrupt_handler. See previous messages details. Shutdown processing will call a special handling routine if it has been provided. Otherwise, a SIGTERM is issued to the process group and the program is exitted.
- Response:
- None
interrupt_handler: Interrupt handler called for signal signal - Description (NOTE):
- By default all interrupts that are not ignored call this handler. If the handler is called by an interrupt that normally cause termination the shutdown function is called. Otherwise, control is returned to the program.
- Response:
- If signal is one of the following, troubleshoot operating system problem:
interrupts_init: Failed to set number interrupt handlers - Description (ERR):
- Attempt to set interrupt handler failed for indicated number of signals.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
interrupts_init: Interrupt initialization complete - Description (NOTE):
- Interrupts have been successfully initialized. By default, the following actions have occurred:
- Set list of interrupt definitions for messages
- Set Interrupt Handlers
- Set signal set with all signals that are blockable and not ignored
- Response:
- None
memory_manager: Memory management request was error/warning free - Description (INFO):
- Memory manager manager returned a good return code, which only means that the memory manager did not detect any errors.
- Response:
- None
memory_manager: Unable to obtain shared memory - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager could not allocate requested memory as shared. Since the purpose of memory management is to provide shared buffers, initialization is terminated.
- Response:
- This may be caused by other applications use of memory and could be corrected by rebooting the system.
memory_manager: Not enough memory available - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager could not allocate requested memory. Since the impact on the application is unknown, no attempt is made to allocate less than the request.
- Response:
- This may be caused by other applications use of memory and could be corrected by rebooting the system.
memory_manager: Invalid request parameter - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager function called with an invalid value in a parameter.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Client structure is NULL - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager function called before client has been registered.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Sysconf information unavailable - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager attempted to collect system configuration information, but received an error instead.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
memory_manager: Rlimit information unavailable - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager attempted to collect resource limit information, but received an error instead.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
memory_manager: Error initializing lock - Description (ERR):
- An error was received when trying to initialize a queue lock. This is an error in the semctl system call, and is most likely a permissions problem. Memory management initialization is not completed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
memory_manager: Error acquiring pool lock - Description (ERR):
- An error was received when trying to acquire a pool queue lock. The plugin should try again for a limited number of times and then shut down.
- Response:
- Report memory management problem.
memory_manager: Error acquiring segment lock - Description (ERR):
- An error was received when trying to acquire a segment lock. The plugin should try again for a limited number of times and then shut down.
- Response:
- Report memory management problem.
memory_manager: Buffer pool not in valid segment - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager attempted to operate on a buffer pool that was not found in any segments that it was managing. This is an internal error.
- Response:
- Report memory management problem.
memory_manager: Processing error - Description (CRIT):
- Memory manager processing was in error.
- Response:
- Report memory management problem.
memory_manager: Maximum segments within 4/8 - Description (WARN):
- The specified maximum number of segments will soon be allocated. This situation does not prevent allocation, but the application should provide for releasing buffers in a controlled way to relieve the condition.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Maximum segments allocated - Description (WARN):
- The specified maximum number of segments have been allocated. This is issued when attempting to add a pool, and a new segment is needed. Because there is no pool available, the buffer allocation will fail.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Memory management not initialized - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received an request for client registration before memory initialization was complete. The plugin should wait briefly and then retry registering.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Permission denied - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received a request for memory that it did not have permission to access. Since plugins are expected to be child processes, the user authority probably was changed in the plugin.
- Response:
- Report plugin problem to development staff.
memory_manager: Buffer size larger than maximum - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received a request for a buffer larger than the largest size supported. The plugin must allocate and manage space for this itself and it will not be able to share it with other plugins.
- Response:
- Report plugin request to development staff.
memory_manager: Shmctl failed - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager attempted to use the shmctl command to have shared memory released when all processes that have attached it are ended. The application continues, but the memory will be unusable by any other applications, even after the current one is ended.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
memory_manager: Buffer address invalid - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received a request with an address that was not found in any segments that it was managing. This is an application error.
- Response:
- Report application problem.
memory_manager: Buffer to free not in use - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received a request to free a buffer that was not in use. This may be a plugin error, but has no effect on operation.
- Response:
- Report to development staff.
memory_manager: Error releasing lock - Description (WARN):
- Memory manager received an error when releasing a pool or segment lock. While the application does not shtudown, the status of the lock is unknown which may cause further errors. This is an application error.
- Response:
- Report application problem.
memory_manager: Unlocking fixed memory failed - Description (WARN):
- Fixed memory remains unswappable even after application termination, so this will have an impact on applications, including the current one if it is restarted, until the problem is corrected or the system rebooted.
- Response:
- Use 'ipcs -a' to examine interprocess communication status, and 'ipcrm' to release the affected storage.
memory_manager: Detaching shared memory failed - Description (WARN):
- The memory will be detached when the application is terminated, but this may indicate a problem in the application.
- Response:
- Report application problem.
memory_manager: Not enough fixed memory available - Description (WARN):
- The system will not allow requested memory segment to be make non-swappable. Operation continues using swappable memory, but performance may be degraded.
- Response:
- Use 'ulimit' to verify system limits are appropriate.
memory_manager: Memory segment not in shared space - Description (WARN):
- A process tried to access a segment that it expected to be shared with another process. The application should access the space and try again.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
memory_manager: Incorrect number of buffers - Description (WARN):
- The number of available buffers in a pool was less than the maximum. The value is set to zero, but this indicates a library logic error that may lead to other problems.
- Response:
- Report to development staff.
getParseError: XML Parser Error: message - Description (ERR):
- XML library detected an error, specific error reason follows.
- Response:
- Review configuration file.
getParseWarning: XML Parser Warning: message - Description (WARN):
- XML library detected a possible error, specific warning message follows.
- Response:
- Review configuration file.
rae_parse_config_file: Parse error (return code) error reason - Description (ERR):
- An error occurred parsing the configuration file. The error value is returned to the caller to determine the action to be taken.
- Response:
- Verify the XML configuration file based on the message.
manager_init_uniq: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- The last element on the Hot IP queues must be empty, so they are initialized with an empty element.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot application problem based on error reason.
manager_init_uniq: Error initializing Hot IP lock - Description (CRIT):
- If the analysis engine is unable to return a lock, then there is an underlying system problem and the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Invalid user name user name: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An invalid user name was supplied for the application. This ID is used to lower the access privileges of the Spooler which is the only process with direct access to the network, and this problem may result in a security breach.
- Response:
- Verify manager configuration file.
spool_init: Failed to make Spooler to Event Analyzer FIFO: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Creating the FIFO for the Spooler to acknowledge Analysis Records failed. Since this is the primary purpose of the Spooler, it shuts down.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error setting Spooler to Event Analyzer FIFO owner error reason - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to set the owner for the Spooler to Event Analyzer FIFO failed which will prevent Events from being saved.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problems based on the error reason.
spool_init: Failed to make Event Analyzer to Spooler FIFO: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Creating the FIFO for the Spooler to acknowledge Analysis Records failed. Since this is the primary purpose of the Spooler, it shuts down.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error setting Event Analyzer to Spooler FIFO owner error reason - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to set the owner for the Spooler to Event Analyzer FIFO failed which will prevent Events from being saved.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problems based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error opening Manager to Spooler pipe - Description (ERR):
- The system call to create a pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Error opening Spooler to Manager pipe - Description (ERR):
- The system call to create a pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Error setting permissions for Manager to Spooler pipe error reason - Description (ERR):
- The system call to set permissions for a pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error setting permissions for Spooler to Manager pipe error reason - Description (ERR):
- The system call to set permissions for a pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Attempt to fork Spooler process failed - Description (ERR):
- The system call to start the Spooler process failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Error setting Manager to Spooler pipe to stdin - Description (ERR):
- The system call to redirect the pipe to stdin failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Error setting Spooler to Manager pipe to stdout - Description (ERR):
- The system call to redirect the pipe to stdout failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Cannot open Spooler program file filename: error reason - Description (ERR):
- The Spooler program file could not be read.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler SYN - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message over the pipe from the Manager to the Spooler failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Error reading Spooler to Manager pipe - Description (ERR):
- Reading a message from the Spooler to Manager pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
spool_init: Did not receive cbuf max from Spooler - Description (WARN):
- The highest location available to the Spooler is found by allocating a small buffer. If the Spooler does not return a buffer address, there may be a system problem, but the application continues.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Encryption setting: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending application user name: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler home directory: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Event Analyzer to Spooler FIFO: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler to Event Analyzer FIFO: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler file limit: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler control port: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Spooler data port: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending external host definition: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Error sending Local host name: error reason - Description (ERR):
- Writing a message to the Spooler pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
spool_init: Unexpected data from Spooler: data - Description (ERR):
- The child pipe returned unexpected data, which is treated as a message.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot plugin.
spool_init: Spooler started (process id, process group id) - Description (NOTE):
- The Spooler was successfully started.
- Response:
- None.
spool_init: Error dispatching Spooler (process id, process group id) - Description (ERR):
- The Spooler process did not respond within the alloted time.
- Response:
- Report problem to development staff.
control_spool: Error reading Manager to Spooler pipeerror reason - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to read from the pipe failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem based on the error reason.
control_spool: Incomplete update - Description (WARN):
- An UPDT command was received but a previous UPDT command has not completed. The new command is processed, but the indicators from the previous command are still set.
- Response:
- If this is the first invalid message, verify that it was generated correctly.
control_spool: File 'filename too big - Description (ERR):
- The configuration file name is greater than the allowed size. Because the command cannot be parsed correctly, the Spooler data is discarded, which may lead to further invalid messages.
- Response:
- If this is the first invalid message, verify that it was generated correctly.
control_spool: Host address 'address too big - Description (ERR):
- The monitored host address is greater than the allowed size. Because the command cannot be parsed correctly, the Spooler data is discarded, which may lead to further invalid messages.
- Response:
- If this is the first invalid message, verify that it was generated correctly.
control_spool: Spooler Message too big - Description (ERR):
- The Spooler message is greater than the maximum buffer size. The message is logged, but may lead to more invalid Spooler data.
- Response:
- If this is the first invalid message, verify that it was generated correctly.
control_update: Component not found - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to find the component failed, which indicates an application problem.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_update: Plugin lock not obtained - Description (WARN):
- The attempt to obtain the plugin lock failed. The plugin RESTART flag is set anyway, but there may be a conflict with plugin setting it simultaneously.
- Response:
- Notify application development team.
control_update: Plugin not found - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to find the plugin failed.
- Response:
- Verify that the update command was generated correctly.
control_file: Unknown configuration filename: filename - Description (WARN):
- The filename in the CFFL command is not valid.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Component not in update - Description (ERR):
- The CFFL command should be preceeded by the UPDT command to indicate how many configuration files are to be downloaded. This is to prevent plugins from being restarted multiple times.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Plugin not found for filename - Description (ERR):
- The plugin for the configuration file was not found.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Plugin file 'filename' not in update - Description (WARN):
- The plugin for the configuration file was not found.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Duplicate configuration file received: filename - Description (WARN):
- The CFFL command should only update one copy of each configuration file.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Backup plugin file 'filename' too big - Description (ERR):
- The fully qualified path for the configuration file backups is too long.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Error backing up plugin file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- An error occurred while backing up an existing configuration file.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
control_file: Spooled plugin file 'filename' too big - Description (ERR):
- The fully qualified path for the spooled configuration file is too long.
- Response:
- Report the problem to the development team.
control_file: Cannot access spooled plugin file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- The spooled configuration file cannot be accessed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
control_file: Cannot access new plugin file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- The new configuration file cannot be accessed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
control_file: Error creating new plugin file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- An error occurred while creating the new configuration file.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
control_file: Error changing owner for new plugin file 'filename': error reason - Description (ERR):
- An error occurred while changing the owner of the new configuration file.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot the problem based on the error reason.
control_hotip: Invalid Hot IP address: address - Description (ERR):
- The protocol of the Hot IP address could not be determined. The address was entered from the user interface.
- Response:
- Correct the entry in the user interface and try again.
control_hotip: Failed to get Hot IP element: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- If the analysis engine is unable to return a Hot IP element then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Determine if other applications are using excessive amounts of storage. Otherwise, recommend to management that the hardware be upgraded.
control_hotip: Failed to get Hot IP lock - Description (WARN):
- If the analysis engine is unable to return the Hot IP lock then the IP address will not be monitored. This may be a sign of other problems, but the function is exitted immediately and the application continues.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot operating system problem.
control_hotip_list: Error opening plugin Hot IP list file filename: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An attempt to open the plugin Hot IP list file failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
control_hotip_list: Error opening Spooler Hot IP list file filename: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An attempt to open the plugin Hot IP list file failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
control_hotip_list: Failed to get Hot IP address: error reason - Description (ERR):
- The call to convert the network address to a readable form was unsuccessful. The application continues, but the Hot IP will not be monitored.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
control_hotip_list: Failed to write to Hot IP file: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An attempt to write the Hot IP list to the Spooler file failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
control_hotip_list: Invalid user name user name: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An invalid user name was supplied for the application. This ID is used to lower the access privileges of the Spooler which is the only process with direct access to the network, and this problem may result in a security breach.
- Response:
- Verify manager configuration file.
control_hotip_list: Error setting Hot IP file owner error reason - Description (ERR):
- The attempt to set the owner for the Hot IP file list failed which will prevent the Hot IP list from being sent to the external management host.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problems based on the error reason.
control_hotip_list: Failed to write to Spooler pipe: error reason - Description (ERR):
- An attempt to notify the Spooler that the Hot IP list file is ready failed.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on the error reason.
RBTreeCreate: Failed to get new Red Black tree: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- If the analysis engine is unable to return a new Red Black tree then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Determine if other applications are using excessive amounts of storage. Otherwise, recommend to management that the hardware be upgraded.
RBTreeCreate: Failed to get new Red Black tree in system: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- If the system memory allocation is unable to return a new Red Black tree then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on error reason.
RBTreeCreate: Failed to get new Red Black tree buffer - Description (CRIT):
- If the caller fails to provide a buffer for a new Red Black tree then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Notify application development staff.
RBTreeInsert: Failed to get new Red Black tree node: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- If the analysis engine is unable to return a new Red Black tree node then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Determine if other applications are using excessive amounts of storage. Otherwise, recommend to management that the hardware be upgraded.
RBTreeCreate: Failed to get new Red Black tree node in system: error reason - Description (CRIT):
- If the system memory allocation is unable to return a new Red Black tree then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Troubleshoot system problem based on error reason.
RBTreeCreate: No Red Black tree node buffer - Description (CRIT):
- If the caller fails to provide a buffer for a new Red Black tree then the application will have to be restarted.
- Response:
- Notify application development staff.
Generated on Sat Apr 18 20:26:39 2009 for RealeyesAE by