Realeyes IDS


The main window of the Realeyes GUI includes a menu bar, the primary frame with three tabs, Analysis, Trends, and Reports, and a side frame with three resizable fields for alerts, summary information, and status information.

If there are any open incidents in the database, they are displayed in the Analysis tab. The default maximum is 256, which is configurable in the prefences.

The menu bar contains the following menus:

  • File: The only option in this menu is Exit.
  • Edit: This menu provides editing functions and is where preferences are defined.
  • Admin: This menu is only available to users with administrative or analyst plus rule definition access. It provides for the maintenance of application users, points of contact, sites, and hosts.
  • Rules: This menu provides the capability to manage rule definitions.
  • Help: This menu provides an overview of the application features. It also includes a Reference submenu that allows a site to add reference material useful to analysts.

The frames of the main window may be resized by moving the mouse pointer over the bar separating them until a double arrow is displayed, holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse, letting go of the mouse button when the size is correct.

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