Realeyes Features

Real eyes

IDS Sensor
  • Inputs from live network or libpcap format files
  • Packet reassembly
  • Session analysis
  • Statistics collection
  • Dynamical rule updates
  • Support for IPv4 and IPv6
  • Supports encrypted sessions with database interface
  • Automatic log rotation
  • Automated application recovery


  • Automated creation and initialization
  • Administered from user interface
  • Database auditing of activity including:
    • User login and logout
    • Host, Site, and Point of Contact changes
    • Rule Defintion changes
    • Incident Report creation or update
  • Database performance optimized during installation
  • Support for encrypted sessions

Database Interface

  • Transfers both data and control information between IDS sensors and the database
  • Interfaces to multiple IDS sensors
  • Automatically maintains sessions with IDS sensors
  • Supports encrypted sessions
  • Automatic log rotation

User Interface

  • Administration of IDS sensors, including site and point of contact information for them
  • Manage the database, including:
    • Import rules from SQL scripts, as well as executing SQL scripts for other database updates
    • Remove incidents closed without a report from the database
    • Check user status, including forcing user logoff
  • Manage rules in the user interface, which includes the following features:
    • Extensive syntax checking as rules are defined
    • Extensive context checking for rules to help insure their correct execution
    • Export rules to IDS sensors without losing session data
  • Display incident reports in Analysis Tab and allow sorting on many fields
  • Display session data of reported incidents using the following features:
    • Display both halves of session data
    • Display session packet headers
    • Display data as Unicode in the playback windwo
    • Find highlighted Triggers in the playback window
    • Find text in the playback window
    • Decode hexadecimal values in the playback window
  • Manaage Incident Reports for tracking trends:
    • Maintain site specific comments for Incident Reports
    • Create multiple reports by copying from an existing report
  • Display Site information for the sensor that reported an incident
  • Track Trends:
    • Use the Trends tab to search for trends in Incidents or Incident Reports
    • Use the Reports tab to output pre-defined reports for Incidents and Incident Reports
    • Use the Statistics tab to output pre-defined reports for Statistics
  • Online help with the capability to add Reference information specific to the site Logo